Imagine having all of the collectible money that is still sitting in your over 60+ day old report sitting in your bank account instead!
Imagine doing this without any disruption to your current medical billing process.  Well, this is all possible with Statim Medical Billing Denial Management and Old AR Recovery service. With this service, we focus exclusively on your $$ over 60 days old.
Most practices have significant money tied up in their 60+ day AR. We can capture these funds for you without any changes to the rest of your current process. Our Denial Management and Old AR Recovery Services provide several benefits:
  1. Puts the money that is tied up in your old AR into your bank account;
  2. Provides an expert, on-going review of your current billing outcomes including your coding, adjustments, payment posting and follow-up techniques;
This Denial Management and Old AR Recovery service does not require any changes in your current process, no new technology, and no system changes. We work on your system.
Contact us today to learn how we can significantly improve your denial management and collect on your old AR. To learn more about how Statim Medical Billing Denial Management and Old AR Recovery Services can help your practice please call us today 732-693-7029!

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